September 2020 Anniversaries

From L/R: Giles Spaulding, PM, 60 yrs, Roy Stein 60 yrs, Terry Byrns, PM 59 yrs, Frank Maupin 52 yrs, Michael Read 45 yrs, Marion Gregory 41 yrs, Larry Pfieffer 34 yrs, Daniel Drummond 9 yrs, Robert W. Cupp, PM 74 yrs,Phil Cordes 8yrs, William Lasater 4 yrs, Herbert K. Walker 4 yrs, Chad S. Gray 1 yr, WM Jonny Lanier.

Marcus Huffman, Membership Liaison

Membership Liaison for our District, Marcus Huffman, was present to speak to us about membership growth and retention. He commended us on the job we were doing as 45 members were in attendance and 8 candidates waiting on degrees. He was also pleased in the way we assisted our Brothers in need through Masonic Relief.

July 2020 Anniversaries

L to R: WM Jonny D. Lanier, PM, Robert Larry Lewis, PM 43 Yrs, Robert J. Dembek, PM, 8 Yrs, James Edward Myers, 6 Yrs, Thomas Gregory Johnson, 5 Yrs, and David Stanley Baxter, Jr. 45 Yrs.

June 2020 Anniversaries

L to R Mike Lovins, PM 45 Yrs., Gary D. Kirk, 3 Yrs., Shedrick A. Shutters III, PM, 22 Yrs., John Thomas Waldkoetter, 23 Yrs., Howard Ray Stogdill, 36 Yrs., Ray O’Neal Catterton,39 Yrs., WM Jonny D. Lanier, PM, 41 Yrs.

Jackson Lodge Supports Grand Lodge Masters Project

WM Jonny D. Lanier presenting Deputy Grand Master Daniel Martin with a check from Jackson Masonic Lodge to support the Veterans Memorial to be constructed at the Indiana Masonic Home

Deputy Grand Master Daniel Martin makes presentation to Jackson Lodge

Deputy Grand Master Daniel Martin presents WM Jonny D. Lanier with a Commemorative Coin that was cast for the Memorial to be constructed at the Indiana Masonic Home. Serial number #146.
Front of Coin
Back of coin