The Home of Jackson Lodge 146, of Seymour Indiana, on the World Wide Web!
O.E.S. Chapter #134
Seymour Chapter #134 meets the 1st Thursday of Each Month at 7:30 p.m.***Refreshments follow the meeting, at Jackson Lodge #146 Masonic Temple 1818 Ewing St. Seymour, IN 474274
Newly Installed Officers for 2021-2022
Outgoing Worthy Matron and Patron, Wanda and Denver Gray 2019-2021Installing Officer
Worthy Matron 2021-2022
Worthy Patron, Marvin “Chig” Anderson 2021-2022
What our Beautiful Star Represents!
The 5 points of the star refer to stories which are inspired by biblical heroines in the Bible.Each biblical figure is represented by a color on each of the star’s 5 points.
Biblical Heroines Reflected As Eastern Star Symbols
Adah,(Blue), Jephthah’s daughter, (from the Book of Judges)
Symbol: A sword and shield, symbolizing how she sacrificed her life to save her father’s honor.
Ruth,(Yellow),the widow
Symbol: A sheaf of barley (grain), representative of Ruth, the poor widow in the Bible, who gathered left over barley stalks as her means of survival.
Esther, (White), the wife
Symbol: A crown and scepter. Queen Esther was a great and noble spirited biblical queen, known for her willingness to sacrifice her life for her people.
Martha, (Green), Lazarus’s sister, (from the Gospel of John)
Symbol: The broken column, symbolic of the uncertainties in life.
Electa,(Red), the mother, (the “elect lady”, friend of St. John, from II John)
Symbol: The cup, symbolic of charity and hospitality. Her color, red, is symbolic of love. She accepted God’s will in spite of persecution.
Inside the center of the star, a pentagram (5-sided figure) with an altar is the logo’s focal point. The open book upon the altar signifies obedience to God’s word.
Each of the 5 points of the star are represented by a woman who represents that character within the lectures.
Each woman is dressed in a costume, symbolic of which of the 5 heroines she represents.
Each of these biblical characters share a lesson in the Masonic virtues:
(From Mackey’s Revised Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry, page 303, copyright 1929)
Adah – Respect to the binding force of a vow
Ruth – Devotion to religious principles
Esther – Fidelity to kindred and friends
Martha – Undeviating faith in the hour of trial
Electa – Patience and submission under wrong
End of descriptions from Mackey’s Revised Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry
Eastern Star Membership Rules
The Order of the Eastern Star, one of Freemasonry’s many appendant bodies, accepts both men and women as members. To join the Order, men must be an affiliated Master Mason who is in good standing (dues paying member).
Originally, it was required that women members be related directly to a Freemason, either by birth (having a grandfather, father, brother, uncle, cousin, etc., even if that person is now deceased, as long as they were in good standing at the time of their death) or by marriage to a Freemason (in good standing).
Female members may be related to a Freemason in a number of ways, such as mother, wife, widow, daughter, sister, etc. Members of other appendant bodies, such as the Rainbow Girls, Job’s Daughters may also choose to become members of the Order of the Eastern Star, upon their becoming 18 years old.
Today’s membership rules now allow extended (female) family members such as step-mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, half-sisters, step-sisters, sisters-in-law, daughters-in-law, grand-daughters, great-grand daughters, step-daughters, the daughters of a sister or brother who has been legally adopted by them, nieces, and great-nieces.
How To Join and Become a Member of the Eastern Star
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and are related to a Freemason, please feel free to use any of the links or contact on this page, in order to get into contact with Seymour Chapter #134. Or, if you prefer, visit the website of our Indiana Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. We hope to meet you soon!
The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world which both men and women may belong. Only men who are Master Masons are eligible and only women with specific Masonic affiliation may become a member as well as girls at least 18 years of age with a 3 year membership in Rainbow or Jobs Daughters.
You and the ladies in your life can share a similar experience by becoming members of the Seymour Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star and share a part of the Masonic Family experience together.
Like in the Masonic fraternity those desiring membership must petition to do so. Petitions are then read, eligibility investigated, and election for membership must be by unanimous vote. The Order strives to select persons of mental, moral, and spiritual quality who will work together in harmony to perform its objectives.
Eastern Star strives to take good people and through uplifting and elevating associations of love and service, and through teaching and example, to build an Order which is truly dedicated to Charity, Truth, and Loving Kindness.
The degrees of the Eastern Star are created around the lives of five biblical women: Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, and Electa. Each one of these women stands for one of the tenets of the Order: Fidelity, Constancy, Loyalty, Faith, and Love.
The Heart of the Eastern Star is the subordinate or local chapters, for proper administration these chapters join to form a larger state organization known as Grand Chapter. These State organizations form a General Grand Chapter. The International Temple in Washington, DC is the Headquarters for all chapters and Grand Chapters throughout the Eastern Star World.
Affiliated Master Masons in good standing like yourselves, and the wives, daughters, including adopted daughters and step-daughters, mothers, widows, sisters, aunts, and 1st and 2nd cousins of Master Masons are eligible. Virtually all female members of Master Masons’ families, 18 years of age or older including female relatives of deceased Master Masons are eligible to join.
It is a social order comprised of persons with deep religious convictions and spiritual values, but is not a religion. Its appeal rests in the true beauty of the refreshing and character-building lessons that are so sincerely portrayed in its ritualistic work. A deep fraternal bond exists between its members. The Order is open to all faiths, except no faith.
Concrete evidence of the charitable nature of the organization as it affects others is the millions of dollars which has been raised within the membership to support projects as:
***ESTARL – Eastern Star Training Award for Religious Leadership (Scholarship Fund)
***Cancer Research Project
***Heart Fund
***Knights Templar Eye Foundation
***Indiana Masonic Home
***Our World of Youth Scholarships
Eastern Star gives support to young people who are members of Rainbow for Girls, Job’s Daughters, and the Order of DeMolay. These young people are training themselves to be leaders and are likely prospects to become valued Master Masons and Eastern Star members.
The members of the Order of the Eastern Star are dedicated women and men who sincerely reflect the spirit of fraternal love and the desire to work together for good. It gives them the opportunity to give a part of their time to many projects that benefit mankind. The Chapter meetings are interesting and important. We need the energies of our members to increase the membership of our Order.
We are proud of our Order’s heritage. Thousands of our members have contributed their time, energy, and wisdom in unselfish service to our Order and for the good of the World. It is through the fraternal service to humanity that together we build a better life for all.
Our local Chapter is busy with many different projects that we feel make a difference to our members, their families, to our Masonic family, and to the community as well. Our Chapter prepares at least two meals a month for the local Lodge and we hold a Bake Sale or Smorgasbord each year.
In the past we have donated stuffed animals to the fire department to comfort children displaced by fire, contributed to the Indiana Masonic Home, the Fruit Fund for residents of the Masonic Home, Cancer Fund, American Heart Association, American Diabetes Foundation, ESTARL, Our World of Youth, and the Knights Templar Eye Foundation.
We contribute annually to the Worthy Grand Matron’s projects, which improve our Masonic Home, thus helping to make a better life for our Sisters and Brothers who live there.
We enjoy our work with the Masons and welcome you and your families to become members of our Order, dedicated in Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.
If you would like additional information concerning the Order of the Eastern Star, our best contact is at our Face Book Page,or Twitter Feed , E-Mail us at:, or call: 812-522-4945
M-F, 8 am-10:30 am. .
***Some exceptions to Meeting are during January & April, when the Chapter meets on the 3rd Thursday, and if the 1st Thursday falls on a Holiday, whereby the Chapter meets the following Thursday.
2021-2022 Officers for Seymour Chapter #134 Order of Eastern Star