The Grotto

The man who comes to the Grotto had his Masonic origin in a Symbolic Lodge. Where he was taught to revere the name of God and pray for guidance. He came on through the degrees where his knowledge of the dignity of Masonry was expanded and the Grotto was provided for him as a place where he might join with his brothers in letting human instincts for fun, pleasure and amusement prevail.
sahara grotto
Sahara Grotto

The Grotto was not and is not a place for Masons to exercise practices that would not be tolerated in the Masonic bodies, or which are taboo among gentleman. The Grotto stands for all of Masonry and wholesomeness in life. It stands for letting in the sunshine on discouragement, grief and woe and it stands for substituting hope for despair at all times.

Without the formalities that attend the Degrees in Masonry, it brings members in close fraternal touch and it breeds confidence among wearers of the Fez. The Grotto has always been made up of men from all walks of life …men you are proud to know …men who travel by preference along the sunny side of the street and who play a fair game all the time.

Membership in the Grotto gives a man the right to wear its emblem and to participate in its good work, as well as enjoy all its pleasures. For more information click on the link below.


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