We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. at Jackson Lodge #146. Our dinner rides are on the third Wednesday of each month.
The Widows Sons are an affinity organization for Freemasons who enjoy motorcycling together. We are made up of several Chapters located in the State of Indiana. A Widows Sons member must be a Master Mason who is in good standing in the records of his Lodge, as recognized by The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Indiana.
About Us
The Widows Sons Motorcycle Riders Association is an Internationally based Association of Master Masons who are joined together by two common passions: Masonry and motorcycling. Since its inception in 1998 with the initial intention to offer aid and assistance to Masonic Widows and Orphans, it has become one of the fastest growing Masonic organizations in the world. Its charitable assistance has now grown to include others who are in need, including our U.S. Military and their families. There are Chapters in the United States, Puerto Rico, Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, Scotland, and several other countries – none of which are affiliated with any 1% Motorcycle Club.
The Indiana Widows Sons, founded in 2006, prides itself on its charitable contributions, and strong belief in our Masonic Obligations. We support our Masonic Lodges by providing a positive outlet for riding with like-minded Brethren, encouraging active participation in our Lodges, supporting Lodge activities, and promoting Freemasonry within the motorcycle community.
The Chapters in Indiana are very diverse with members from various regions and Lodges. Our members consist of Master Masons, Worshipful Masters, Past Masters, and a Past Grand Master. Some members hold various positions within our home Lodges. There are many military veterans, as well as members of the Scottish Rite, York Rite, Shrine, and Sahara Grotto.
Each Widows Sons Chapter sponsors or participates in at least one local charity ride or event annually. In all cases, we strive to present a positive image of Freemasonry and our Association to the public. All of our Chapters have assisted with Riley Hospital’s Miracle Ride, Grand Master’s Ride, and various fund raisers for Masonic and non-Masonic organizations. Some Chapters have made donation to their local Lodges, and on several occasions, we have given donations or organized fund raisers for some member’s families who have met with unforeseen medical expenses, natural disaster, family needs, and even family deaths. We are continuing to grow our contributions year after year. To date, the Indiana Widows Sons have raised over $35,000 for the Indiana Masonic Home at Compass Park, sponsoring two complete rooms, and helping to purchase 22 hospital beds. Indiana Widows Sons raise approximately $6,000 yearly for Riley Hospital for Children. We also raise funds annually for the Scottish Rite Dyslexia Center, Cornerstone Autism Foundation, Cass County Special Olympics, and several other local organizations.
The patch of the Indiana Widows Sons that is worn by our active members is comprised of various Masonic symbols, the words “Widows Sons”, and the name of the local Chapter. We also wear a Square and Compass patch to denote our fraternal affiliate to Freemasonry. Other States may vary slightly depending on their local customs, but all use the words “Widows Sons” and proudly display the Square and Compass. We also have a patch for our ladies that is specially designed for wives or significant others, and a patch for our younger children, to show their affiliation and support.
We do not intend to speak for, or represent any specific Masonic body. We are simply a riding association of Master Masons. We require that members act as Master Masons and uphold our obligations as such, always, sharing in Brotherly Love on the road, as well as in the Lodge, as we all “Meet upon the Level, and part upon the Square.”
For more information, please contact us at info@indianawidowssons.com.
Copied from the Widow Sons Official Site
Photos of our dinner rides

Stone’s Family Restaurant Millhousen

Meetings were shut down until June because of Covid-19