October 2019 Anniversaries

L to R Curtis L. Schleibaum, 5 yrs. Jack D Hatton PM, 8 yrs. Waltert R Wintin, 15 yrs. Robert G Wilson, Jr 24 yrs. David Cooper, WM. Michael J Wright, 36 yrs. Novi Leon Belcher, 37 yrs. Roberto O’Rosco, PM, 38 yrs. James A Clampitt, PM, 41 yrs. Jerry M Lemmon, PM, 53 yrs. James A Brock 57 yrs. 314 years of Masonic service.

Buckner Lodge #631 Makes Presentation

Members of Buckner Lodge #631 presented Jackson Lodge with a bench they had especially made for their appreciation of our help with their building repairs. In photo is Tom McGuffie, Tyler and Jason Rader, JW and Mickey Beck sitting in as Worshipful Master

Grand Chaplain, Steven Sonafrank

The Grand Chaplain, Steven Sonafrank read a letter of request for a donation to the Compass Park Masonic Home towards a player piano for the Skilled Wing Rehab Center.

September 2019 Anniversaries

L/R Robert Wood Cupp, PM 73 yrs, Giles W. Spaulding, PM 59 yrs, Roy D. Stein, 59 yrs, Terry E. Byrnes, PM 58 yrs, Frank Gilbert Maupin, 51 yrs, Michael Gordon Read, 44 yrs, Marion Lee Gregory, 40 yrs, Phillip L. Cordes, Jr., 7 yrs, Herbert Kenneth Walker, 3 yrs, Mark Bosch, 34 yrs. Not pictured James L Renaker, PM 45 yrs. A total of 473 years of Masonic service

July 2019 Anniversaries

L/R Russell David Gregory 56 yrs, Robert Larry Lewis, PM 42 yrs, Ronald Eugene Goss 36 yrs, WM David Cooper, Billy Eugene Malone 36 yrs, Robert J. Dembek, PM 7 yrs, James Edward Myers 5 yrs, Thomas Gregory Johnson 4 yrs. Representing 186 years of Masonic service

Buckner 631 Sellersburg, In

WM Dave Cooper presenting Buckner members with a check to assist them with a new roof for their Lodge building that is leaking. From L/R Tom McGuffey Tyler, Justin Snelling Master, Jason Rader Junior Warden, and Dave Cooper Master of Jackson Lodge 146.