E. A. Degree atthe Schofield House. Our newest Entered Apprentice Chad Gray. Also pictured is Stephen Kroman Grand Photographer,KennethE. Roy Grand Master, Daniel L. Martin Deputy Grand Master, and David G. Morgan Junior Grand Deacon.
May anniversaries Robert Gale Baird, PM 7 yrs, Larry Herschel Kirk13 yrs, Michael E. Trueblood 14 yrs, James Vanest 15 yrs, Max Wade Bedwell 15 yrs, Robert Eugene Nolan 28 yrs, John R. EntPM 28 yrs,David Cooper WM, Michael E. Hanner PM 49 yrs, David Lee Sherrill 45 yrs, Thomas W. Money PM 56 yrs, Tom Stafford 3 yrs, Brian Scott 1 yr, Chips Everhart 46 yrs.
Brother Charles Garrett, a member of Sulross Lodge # 1300 in College Station, Texas came to our Master Mason degree Tuesday night and took part in the degree work. Thank you Brother Charles for your assistance.
Three members of Corydon Pisgah Lodge #32 came to our stated meeting to thank us for our assistance of helping to get them a ramp installed for their Lodge. From left to right Assistant Sec. James Renaker PM (I was raised there), Bill Radamacher, Charlie Russell, Carl Whitman, Terry Byrnes PM ( dual Member of Pisgah and Past Master from there ) and our Worshipful Master David Cooper.
Left to right: Rick A. Welch 10 yrs, Charles Francis Wolter 17 yrs, Donald E. Kirk 20 yrs, Larry Paul McCord 22 yrs, Stephen Chadd 8 yrs, Charles Steven Seybold 35 yrs, Stephen P. Kroman, PM 17 yrs, Norman Michael Beck 56 yrs, Richard Dale Schrader PM 39 yrs, David Wayne Cooper WM 6 yrs, John William Redman 46 yrs, Roger L. Neptune PM 25 yrs, Fred Allman 58 yrs, Ronald Lee Nelson 28 yrs.
Service Awards
Worshipful Master David Cooper presented Brother Rick Welch his 10 year service award and Brother Roger Neptune his 25 years service award.