Thanks to Tom Stafford and his committee for all the hard work and making our annual event a success.There always has to be an overseer of the Craft. WM Mickey Beck.
Norman “Mickey Beck presented David G. Morgan, Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Indiana, with a gift. He came to visit and sit in on a Master Mason Degree. He also assisted us by playing the part of 2nd Craft.
Welcome to our 3 newest Entered Apprentices from L/R Gregory Dean Barrett, Brett Matthew Hays, and Carl Jason Kuhlman. In the background Herbert “Pete” Walker, SW as Worshipful Master.
The members of Jackson Masonic Lodge presented Westport Lodge #52 with a check to assist them in construction of a new Lodge building. From L/R, Toby Bannatta, WM, Nathan Snyder, PM, Mike Hughes, Sec., PM, WM NormanM. Beck, PM. They were also presented with a gift from the Lodge.
From L/R Howard Keith Penick 47 yrs, Howard Ray Stogdill 37 yrs, John Thomas Waldkoetter 24 yrs, Jack D. Wildman 15 yrs, Gary D. Kirk 4 yrs, Norman M. Beck Worshipful Master.
2021-2022 Officers for Seymour Chapter #134 Order of Eastern Star. For more pictures click on Appendant Bodies, then click on O.E.S. Chapter #134.On a mobile phone click on the 3 bars first.
May Anniversaries, L/R Gale Baird, PM 9 yrs, Wm Norman Beck, John R. Ent, PM 30 yrs, Thomas D. Stafford 5 yrs, George C. Mansfield III, 9 yrs, Larry Herschel Kirk 15 yrs, Michael E. Trueblood 16 yrs, James F. Vanest 17 yrs, Max Wade Bedwell 17 yrs, Robert Eugene Nolan 30 yrs, David Lee Sherrill 47 yrs, and Thomas W. Money, PM 59 yrs.