Medora #328 and Washington #13 receive a donation from Jackson Lodge #146

Pictured above, Mark Matthews and Todd Harrison, PM, Secretary from Washington Lodge #13, Worshipful Grand Master of the State of Indiana Kenneth Roy, Jr., Logan Lynch and Michael R Weir, PM secretary from Medora #328 and Worshipful Master of Jackson Lodge #146 Jonny D. Lanier, PM. Each Lodge was given a check as a gift in the amount of $10,000. We know that because of the shut down of a lot of activities from the Covid-19 fund raising has been difficult. so we thought we would assist our other county Lodges.

September 2020 Anniversaries

From L/R: Giles Spaulding, PM, 60 yrs, Roy Stein 60 yrs, Terry Byrns, PM 59 yrs, Frank Maupin 52 yrs, Michael Read 45 yrs, Marion Gregory 41 yrs, Larry Pfieffer 34 yrs, Daniel Drummond 9 yrs, Robert W. Cupp, PM 74 yrs,Phil Cordes 8yrs, William Lasater 4 yrs, Herbert K. Walker 4 yrs, Chad S. Gray 1 yr, WM Jonny Lanier.

Marcus Huffman, Membership Liaison

Membership Liaison for our District, Marcus Huffman, was present to speak to us about membership growth and retention. He commended us on the job we were doing as 45 members were in attendance and 8 candidates waiting on degrees. He was also pleased in the way we assisted our Brothers in need through Masonic Relief.