Officers Elect for 2019

2019 Officers Dave Cooper WM, Jon Lanier SW, Mickey Beck JW, Terry Byrnes Treas, John Burkhart Sec, Pete Walker SD, Jeff Niccum JD, Justin Amos SS, Brian Scott JS, Bob Dembek & Frank Cummings new Trustees, Trustees Randy Ent, Bob Cupp, Larry McCord, and Gail Baird.

Upcoming Events

Jackson Lodge meets on the first and third Monday of every month. We will serve dinner at 6:30 pm and open lodge at 7:30 pm. Our next meeting will be moved from September 2nd to the 9th because of the Labor Day weekend and the Wyatt Floyd BBQ.

Our monthly Free Breakfast Will Be September 7th 7:30am

Breakfast will be served on September 7th from 7:30 to 8:30. It is open to the public

Euchre Club

The euchre club will play September 3rd from 6pm to 8pm. Bring a snack to share with the group.

Order of Eastern Star

The next meeting of OES #134 is September 5th, Refreshments at 6:30pm meeting at 7:30pm.

Ladies of the Lodge

Ladies of the Lodge next meeting is Wednesday September 11th at 11:00 am.

Widows Sons Wayfarers Chapter Masonic Riders

We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm at Jackson Lodge.

Wyatt Floyd Labor Day Picnic

The Wyatt Floyd Labor Day picnic will be September 2nd at Geiser Park. We will begin serving at 12 noon. Bring your family, covered dishes, table settings, and table covers. If any Brothers wish to help we will be at the Lodge at 7:00 am to load the equipment to transport to the park.

September Masonic Anniversaries

Phillip Cordes 6 yrs, Daniel Drummond 7 yrs, Larry Dean Pfeiffer 32 yrs, Michael Read 43 yrs, Frank Maupin 50 yrs, Terry Byrns 57 yrs,  Robert Dembek our Master, Giles Spaulding, PM 58 yrs, Robert Cupp, PM 72 yrs, Marion Gregory 39 yrs, and Roy D. Stein 58 yrs. A total of 422 years of Masonic knowledge.