Masonic Anniversaries April 2023

Our April Masonic anniversaries were honored. L/R Norman M. Beck, PM 60 Yrs, Charles S. Seybold 39 Yrs, Gordon D. Pifer, PM 38 Yrs, Donald Kirk 24 Yrs, Larry P. McCord 26 Yrs, Roger L. Neptune, PM 29 Yrs, John W. Redman 50 Yrs, Fred L. Allman 62 Yrs, WM Brian Scott presented each with their gift from the Lodge.

50 Year Award of Gold

Grand Master, Richard L. Lentz presented Willard New (Chip) Everhart with his 50 Year Award of Gold. Also pictured is Brian Scott Worshipful Master.
Brother Everhart’s wife, Mary pinning his Award of Gold on his lapel.