September 2022 Anniversaries

L/R Roy D. Stein, 62 yrs, Daniel K. Drummond 11 Yrs, Judson Eli Pridgen 16 yrs, David W. Earley, 19 yrs, Roger D. Coomer 34 yrs, Larry D Pfieffer 36 yrs, Michael G. Read 47 yrs, Dennis R. Loh 49 yrs, Frank G. Maupin 54 yrs, Terry E. Byrns, PM 61 yrs, Herbert K. Walker, PM 6 yrs.

Our Newest Master Mason

Please welcome our newest Master Mason, DeShawn Burt, just right of center. We want to thank all the Brothers who came out to help us with his ceremony. There were a total of 51 Brothers present.